WOW! Head Of Elite Manhattan Private School Admits On Tape That Their "AnTi-RaCisT" Teaching Is "Demonizing White People For Being Born"

Harris Rigby

Apr 21, 2021

Hold on to your hats as we explore the ongoing saga of what is happening in New York with now-ex-high school teacher Paul Rossi and his battle with his employer Grace Church High School, a $57,000-per-year private school in Manhattan.

Yesterday morning, the Foundation Against Racism and Intolerance released some very powerful videos showing that Grace Church High School is knowingly promoting "AnTi-RaCiSt" views that demonize white students simply on the basis of race.

However, before we get to the videos we need some context.

A week ago, Paul Rossi wrote an exposé on his former employer exposing the racist practices being implemented at the school under the guise of "antiracism" which was published on Bari Weiss's substack. The name of the piece is: "I Refuse to Stand By While My Students Are Indoctrinated" and it includes an epic takedown of all the woke nonsense Rossi has observed at the school. I encourage everyone to pause and read the shocking piece now.

In his exposé, Rossi makes the comment that he is writing this because students are afraid of the consequences that come from questioning the authority of the Critical Race Theorists and antiracist propagandists.

And, of course, the radical lefties pushing CRT prove Rossi correct. There are severe consequences for questioning the narrative.

The New York Post reported two days later, April 15, that the school asked Rossi to keep his distance after the publication of his critique. From the post:

The school initially said that Rossi, a math teacher, would not be disciplined for his piece on writer Bari Weiss's substack account.

But he has since been told to keep his distance.

"It feels like my remarks about the school is their reason for keeping me away," Rossi said. "It feels like discipline."

Rossi told The Post on Friday that a member of the Grace community threatened him after the essay appeared online and that he reported it to the head of the school George Davison.

The teacher said Davison then used that as a pretext to bar him from the school beginning next week — purportedly for his own safety.

Again, the school claims this isn't discipline against Rossi, rather, it's for his own good that he stay away after making some of the students feel "unsafe."

In the last two days, this story has really taken off. Get ready for an epic showdown.

Grace Church High School and their head of school George Davison responded to Paul Rossi by sending a letter to parents condemning Rossi and accusing him of "glaring omissions and inaccuracies" and informing parents that Rossi has been relieved of his teaching duties at this time.

Translation: Davison and Grace Church accused Rossi of lying and fired him.

Rossi then responded with a letter of his own, essentially releasing the Kraken on Davison and Grace Church.

If I may summarize the letter, Paul Rossi essentially says, "Hey George, you are a coward and a liar and I can prove it."

Rossi kept the receipts.

The Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism, FAIR, is representing Rossi in this case and they have published on their Twitter what you all came for. The head of Grace Church school admitting that the antiracist emphasis at the school in fact demonizes white students for simply being born.

Here is what you came for:

Without the context of Rossi being publicly reprimanded, dismissed from his job, and persecuted, you would think that Davison is sympathetic to Rossi's position. He agrees that the antiracist movement within his school is going too far. He sees that it is a major problem. But guess what? While he may say it behind closed doors he would NEVER say it in public.

Davison is a coward and he is being rightly exposed as such.

Rossi says as much in his letter to Davison:

In the letter, you say that "the wellbeing of our community is our first priority," and that Grace cares "deeply about human dignity."

And yet you admitted to me that Grace Church is, in fact, "demonizing white people for being born," and that the school is making white students "feel less than, for nothing that they are personally responsible for."

While I cannot know for certain, I suspect that the reason you have not shared these concerns with the broader Grace community is because you know exactly what happens to people who do — it is what is happening to me right now. I understand that. It is because of the fear I see in so many people, including so many of our students, that I felt compelled to speak out even though I knew I would pay a steep price for it.

Davison, in private conversation, goes to great lengths to show that he understands Rossi's criticisms, his objections, and his worries with antiracist language. Publicly, however, there is no chance that Davison would say these things. He's afraid of the blowback that he sees Rossi facing.

The irony, of course, is that it is Davison himself who is causing the most harm to Rossi. Davison relieved Rossi of his teaching duties, Davison publicly condemned Rossi. Davison has all the power in this situation, but he's so paralyzed by the threat of the woke mob that he willingly offers Rossi as a sacrifice.

We live in a world full of Davisons. They'll say privately that they have deep problems with antiracism and CRT and woke culture, but they won't voice those concerns publicly. Their own protection is what they are most concerned with. They would willingly throw someone like Rossi to the woke wolves while cowering in fear to save their own hides.

Davison admits that this woke monster has taken down many other institutions, and he fears that Grace Church could be next. But he still lacks the moral courage to actually boldly stand on his convictions. Davison lies to protect his own personal interests.

Whereas you have Paul Rossi who is boldly making a stand, at great professional and personal cost. But he's doing what he knows is right and is refusing to lie.

We need more Rossis and fewer Davisons.

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