After Biden called Trump supporters "garbage" this week, the White House itself released a laughably absurd transcript of the remarks in which they tried to add an apostrophe in order to change the meaning of Biden's gaffe:
Well, it turns out that stenographers inside the White House were none too happy about that:
White House press officials altered the official transcript of a call in which President Joe Biden appeared to take a swipe at supporters of Donald Trump, drawing objections from the federal workers who document such remarks for posterity, according to two U.S. government officials and an internal email obtained Thursday by The Associated Press.
When the Associated Press is dropping an insanely embarrassing report for Democrats just five days before an election:

If you want the brief explanation, here's Fox News White House reporter Peter Doocy with a hilarious segment. I'll include the details below:
All of this is worse than you think (it could violate the Presidential Records Act). The stenographers were really, really unhappy that the flak's office took the liberty of changing the transcript:
The change was made after the press office 'conferred with the president,' according to an internal email from the head of the stenographers' office that was obtained by The AP. The authenticity of the email was confirmed by two government officials who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal matters.

The supervisor, in the email, called the press office's handling of the matter 'a breach of protocol and spoilation of transcript integrity between the Stenography and Press Offices.'
"If there is a difference in interpretation, the Press Office may choose to withhold the transcript but cannot edit it independently," the supervisor told the press office.
"Our Stenography Office transcript - released to our distro, which includes the National Archives - is now different than the version edited and released to the public by Press Office staff," he said.
At the time the stenography office produced the transcript, "any edit to the transcript would have to be approved by [the] supervisor," workers said.
The supervisor, "a career employee," was "not immediately available to review the audio," but "the press office went ahead and published the altered transcript on the White House website and distributed it to press and on social media in an effort to tamp down the story."
'Regardless of urgency, it is essential to our transcripts' authenticity and legitimacy that we adhere to consistent protocol for requesting edits, approval, and release,' the supervisor wrote.
Republicans are "debating launching an investigation into the matter," meanwhile (sounds about right for the GOP). The editing "could be in violation of the Presidential Records Act of 1978," they reportedly argued.
Embarrassing, humiliating stuff for the White House on the eve of a presidential election.

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