Mask up, infidel. The Holy Koran demands it.
Oh wait, sorry, wrong context. I guess I'm still trying to understand how there is more religious zeal for face coverings in middle-of-nowhere Wyoming these days compared to the time I used to live in the Middle East.
So that's wonderful, right?
This student was hauled away in handcuffs because she, as a healthy teen with insanely low Covid risk and surrounded by others teens that could be vaxxed if they so want, didn't wear a mask that hasn't been shown to do a dang thing in schools, no matter how many studies without control groups that the Secretary of Education shares.
Here's what happened:
Before coming into school on Thursday morning, Grace Smith had already served "two consecutive two-day suspensions" for not complying with her school district's mask mandate, the Sioux City Journal reported.
Albany County School District's mandate states that "anyone inside a district building must have his or her face covered."
The rule is up for review in a week, but Smith wasn't willing to wait that long. She believes that the mandate violates her constitutional rights and, as a result, continues to refuse to comply with the order.
Smith told the Sioux City Journal that the first time she was suspended, she "just left."
"Then, after talking with our attorney, we decided to push it, so on Tuesday I didn't [leave] and took the citation for $500 and then left," Smith said.
Smart girl. These insane mandates don't have the force of law. They are being upheld by petty tyrants and, unless the nation goes under completely, they won't stand up in (most) courts of law.
The more people stand up to them, the quicker the house of cards collapses.
Laramie High School administration warned Smith that each time she enters her school without a mask, she will be issued a misdemeanor trespassing citation.
Thursday saw Smith receive yet another citation.
This time, she didn't want to leave, saying she had "a right" to be at school. Smith was subsequently handcuffed (as if she posed some sort of threat to her arresting officers), hauled off school property and arrested.
Here was video of that:
If you watch the full video, you can hear an officer tell her that she is "suspending the movement of a thousand students" who had to remain in their classroom because A SCARY GIRL WAS SHOWING HER SMILE AND BREATHING THE FREE AIR!
It's an absolute clown show.
Kudos to Grace to giving us a peek behind the curtain, and shame on schools like this one. They aren't saving lives. They are destroying them.
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