X took away the government "gray check" badge from Venezuela's dictator after his election shenanigans
· Jul 30, 2024 · NottheBee.com

If you didn't hear, the hard-left socialist who rules Venezuela was down 30 points in exit polls, and decided to "fix" that by delaying counts, having the election commission he controls declare him the winner, and tell the military to put down dissenters.

Well, it's been two days since Nicolás Maduro "fortified" his "win" for the sake of "sacred democracy," but the people of Venezuela aren't having it.

(I guess they're angry that 75% of them are starving while their socialist leader keeps getting fatter - what extremists!)

The nation is very likely on the brink of civil war.

Maduro doesn't seem too worried, focusing his attention on his "archenemy" [checks notes] Elon Musk.

Elon replied to that with this:


Joking aside, Elon's social platform, X, decided to remove Maduro's official government "grey-check" badge until it can be proven that Maduro actually won an election where he was down 30 points.

So far, Maduro's only move has been to send the military after protesters.

For the squishy, terminally online folks who like to shout opinions from their air-conditioned living rooms: If you feel like Elon is being a big meany by changing the color of a dictator's verification badge on a social media platform, feel free to head down to Caracas and let the commie stormtroopers show you what mean really looks like.

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