Dr. Kimberly Sue, a Yale University medical professor, seriously tweeted that President Biden is displaying "white supremacy urgency" by working while he's sick.
Look at her credentials. This isn't some random anonymous account!
Her tweet got so much backlash that she set her Twitter profile to private.
Most of these tweets focus on the white supremacy comment, which I want to delve into, but real quick, can we at least acknowledge that Joe Biden is supposed to be the leader of the free world?
If he got sick enough not to do his job, it would affect everyone. Literally everyone.
I don't think it's too much for the President of the United States to have a little grit, no matter what his skin color may be.
Now, let's talk about "white supremacy urgency."
In 2019, Rutgers University professor Brittney Cooper suggested that "time" is racist—yes, time, as in the Earth spinning on its axis while orbiting the sun.

She said only Europeans see time as linear, whereas people of color see past, present, and future as coexisting simultaneously.
That all sounds like she has a god complex to me, but she goes on to explain things like being on time or wanting to get things accomplished in a timely manner are all based in white supremacy.
She also suggests that this existence outside of time is the reason why people of color still see themselves as enslaved or as the targets of racism even if they don't actually experience those things today. Therefore, it's ridiculous to suggest they should stop bringing up the past.

And if you add it all up, President Biden is a white supremacist for not sitting back and letting the world burn while he's sick.
Of course, we've played this game long enough to know that if he had taken time off, these academics would have said he was a white supremacist because he could afford to rest, while so many people of color cannot.

I think the best thing that can be done to counter such racist drivel is to work hard and urgently mock the ones spouting it, so they'll go hide behind a private profile like Professor Kim Sue did.
There's no place for this sort of divisive nonsense in a free America.
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