Young Grocery Bagger Chooses Kindness, Purchases More Than $100 In Groceries For This Struggling Grandma
· Apr 11, 2022 ·

It's not all doom and gloom out there in the world.

This story out of Corpus Christi, Texas is sure to bring you a smile and a little hope and joy.

A young lady who works as a grocery bagger at an H-E-B store in Texas found herself in the position of being able to help out someone in a tight spot.

Maria Balboa shared a post on her Facebook page that went viral about how she helped pay for the groceries of a local grandmother who didn't realize she had run out of money on her food assistance card.

Here's the text of her post:

I have been working at H-E-B in Annaville for about 2 months. At my H-E-B, many people use SNAP or WIC for their groceries. I am a bagger and see tons of customers everyday. However, last Monday, I was bagging for a lady who had two little boys with her. When checking out she was using her SNAP card, which stated it only had $19 left on it. She was stunned and said that they needed to put all the groceries back besides a couple items. My heart felt for her and the two little boys. I asked the cashier what the remaining total was and she said it was $137.

Immediately I heard a voice inside my head saying, "pay for the groceries." I stopped to think for a second but then I heard again, "Pay for the groceries Maria!!" I pulled out my card and told the lady I would be paying for them. She told me no at first and said she felt embarrassed but I insisted on paying. She accepted and thanked me, as well as the two little boys that were with her. $137 was quite a bit of money for me that day, but still I knew that I would get it back on payday and maybe she wouldn't.

Fast forward to Friday, the next day I work. I get called into the managers office where I think I am in trouble. But no, he stated that there was a survey (picture attached) written about me by the lady whose groceries I paid for. Reading the survey made me tear up and I felt good about paying for the groceries. My managers were very proud of me and stated that, "We can't teach someone to have heart." I felt very proud and also shocked when my manager said he was going to reimburse me the $137. They also made me a goody basket with groceries to show their appreciation. I was so grateful for their kindness as well as to the lady for writing the survey.

Hearing her words made me realize that it's small things like paying for groceries that can help people out in ways we don't even know. With that being said: Always be kind and do a good deed for someone when you can. It can be something as simple as holding the door open for a stranger or complimenting them. Good things done always come back in ways we may not even realize.

Always be good to the people around you, because you never know what someone else might have going on. Thank you for reading and be kind!!!

Here's the review the grandmother left at the grocery store, explaining what happened.

It takes a big heart for a girl who works bagging groceries, where you know she isn't making a lot of money, to give up that much in order to help out a stranger.

Check out the local news spot:

I really heard God telling me 'pay for the groceries.'

What an inspiring story!

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