"You're free": Watch Border Patrol agents allow hundreds of illegal immigrants to just walk right into San Diego
· Sep 16, 2023 · NottheBee.com

You: "Gee, I wonder why we have such a massive illegal immigration problem in this country."

Border patrol agents:

It's true:

Video out of San Diego shows hundreds of migrants being released from buses, with migrants from China and Pakistan onto the streets. A conversation in the video shows a migrant speaking to a Border Patrol agent, who tells him he can do whatever he wants now.

"You're free to go on and do wherever you want. You're free," the agent says.

All the way over in the midwest, meanwhile, Texas "is continuing to use razor wire to block migrants trying to enter illegally." They've got their priorities a little straighter than California, it seems.

The southern border in its entirety has reportedly seen multiple days this week in which 7,000 illegal immigrants crossed into the country; coupled with arrivals at ports of entry, and we've seen days with nearly 10,000 migrants attempting and/or succeeding to get into the country, the majority of them illegally.

And what are Joe Biden and his merry band of Democrats doing while this devastating march continues across the length of the border?

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