YouTube is hiding the number of "dislikes" on videos in order to promote "respectful interactions" on the site 🙄
· Nov 10, 2021 ·

The powers-that-be at YouTube have decided that the meany bullies of the Internet may no longer publicly register their displeasure with lame movie trailers and Baby Shark videos:

YouTube's Like and Dislike counters have been a fixture at the bottom of videos since what feels like the dawn of time, but now in order to combat harassment and so-called dislike attacks, YouTube will now begin hiding dislike counts.

In an official YouTube blog post, the company said that an experiment that hid dislike numbers on certain videos revealed that hiding dislikes reduced the frequency of dislike attacks (when users target a video with dislikes in a campaign of harassment) and could prevent specific videos from being targeted—particularly on new or smaller channels where dislike attacks occur at a higher rate.

The company, meanwhile, says the move is part of an effort to:

…Ensure that YouTube promotes respectful interactions between viewers and creators[.]

Oh, is that so, YouTube? What a joke. Well, I think I'll go ahead and launch a major dislike campaign against this ridiculous new policy—

Oh wait I can't do that anymore. Hmm.

The great trailblazers of Big Tech are continuing their steady march into boring, useless conformity. It's enough to make you hate these platforms, or at least dislike them.

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