I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't watch it with my own eyes just over a week ago.
A man, dressed as a woman, elected to Congress by a majority of voters in a Delaware district who apparently believe mental illness isn't a condition to be treated but a blessing to be boasted, complaining publicly that those who oppose his agenda and criticize his antics are, "weird" and "bizarre."
It's time to put this pitiful argument and nonsensical rhetoric to bed once for all. Progressivism is, and has always been, the offending aggressor in the American culture war. For rational minds, there is simply no debating that point. Consider:
On December 7th, 1941, the Empire of Japan "suddenly and deliberately" attacked U.S. naval forces stationed at Pearl Harbor. In response, America declared war and fought back.
On October 6th, 1973, Egyptian and Syrian forces orchestrated an attack on Israel during Yom Kippur, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar. In response, Israel launched a retributive offensive that reclaimed strategic areas including the Golan Heights.
On June 25, 1950, North Korea sent Soviet-supported troops across the 38th parallel in a devastating invasion of its southern neighbor. In response, South Korea organized an effective resistance (with the help of the United Nations) to liberate their portion of the peninsula during a 3-year conflict.
Imagine for a moment hearing the Japanese, Egyptian, Syrian, or North Korean aggressors in those conflicts publicly castigate those they attacked for daring to fight back. Imagine Emperor Hirohito publicly whining about America fighting to retain Midway Island for itself. Or President Sadat appealing to a watching world that Israel's efforts to push his invading army out of the Sinai Peninsula was uncharitable. Or Kim Il-sung giving a press conference where he denounced the unconscionable presumptuousness of South Korea in not just letting his troops topple and conquer Seoul.
After upsetting the status quo themselves, launching sneak attacks with immediate and demoralizing ruthlessness, hearing the obvious aggressors bemoan and complain that their targets didn't just roll over and accept their fate would be crazy. Tone deaf, yes, but also indicative of a sociopathic mind willfully blinding itself to reality.
That is the state of modern progressive culture warriors like Congressman McBride.
If that seems prejudicially provocative to assert, simply ask yourself what the status quo had been for 200 years of American history, and who sought to change it? Who launched the invasion into what was in order to bring about a different what is? Have conservatives sought to change the moral landscape of the culture, or preserve it? What about progressives? Have they been content with societal conventions and moral boundaries, or have they sought to dramatically alter and adjust them?
Was it always the case that men could become women simply by donning a dress, wearing lipstick, chemically poisoning themselves, and then claim a legitimate right to enter private spaces and competitions reserved for females? Or is that premise actually an unprovoked invasion into cultural norms?
Let this much be known without question:
It's a flagrant and alarming narcissism that perceives itself as the victim of a war it began, it has escalated, and that it persistently and relentlessly wages.
The assumption that those tethered to reality should voluntarily acquiesce to ludicrous propositions that not only undermine long-standing, admittedly subjective views of cultural morality, but also long-established, utterly objective scientific reality, is the textbook manifestation of a maladaptive personality disorder. It's psychotic.
Yet that is what the Democrat Party is promoting in Congressman McBride. It's what the media is attempting to shame the public into normalizing. It's what many so-called religious leaders who have divorced themselves from truth and wed themselves to the spirit of the age are foolishly abiding.
Those of rational mind will resist the culture warriors.
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