There are videos circulating of Haitians cooking and eating their countrymen.
I'm not joking. The Caribbean nation founded by revolting slaves is truly circling the drain. It can't exist much longer.
[Warning: Violence, but I left the cannibalism videos out]
That led me to this poll from Babylon Bee Editor Joel Berry:
With two major responses:
- On one hand, the same neo-con thinking that led us to support the invasion of multiple countries over the last few decades.
- On the other hand, rising libertarian isolationism that focuses heavily on consent and sovereignty.
May I suggest that actually, both of these are wrong.
Let me explain.
Unlike what the wokies tell you, colonization is not inherently wrong. Cultures and value systems are not all equal. Diversity is great when there is a common foundation, but when there are competing foundations that seek to poison each other, it destroys everything. The only way forward is if the superior value set coverts and subdues the others. Cannibalism and democracy cannot coexist, as it were. One must die.
Because of this, a nation must have a strong, unified moral foundation. That foundation needs to provide a clear view for when intervention and war are necessary. When the Muslims invaded the Byzantine Empire, the Christian West had the imperative to protect their territory in the Middle East. When the Spanish Empire found the Aztecs, it had the moral imperative to stop the human sacrifices. The British Empire had the moral imperative to stop voodoo rituals and cannibalism in the African interior and the practice of burning widows in India.
Those were good things.
Many of those crusaders and colonizers will stand tall before the judgement throne of God because they put their faith in Christ and tried to save those staggering away toward death (Proverbs 24:11).
But in order to be involved in just holy war (or "interventions to protect democracy," as we call it these days), you must be a nation with moral authority.
The American Empire has lost hers.
As it happened to the British and other European powers, we have drifted from God and excused repeated abuses of powers. As that has happened, any "help" we provide other nations is really just a self-serving exercise in power being conducted by those who seek to profit off their greed.
The Washington establishment isn't conducting war because it is their God-given duty to protect the defenseless and they wish to make Christ known among the nations. They hardly believe Christ is real, let alone that he sits at the right hand of the Father with the earth as his footstool.
Instead, they attempt to create a moral foundation and justification for war through the word "democracy," as if that could ever hold a nation or a campaign together. But too many people realize that the New Religion of the American Elite is a hollow exercise in making tyrants rich. Sending my taxes to pay for the expansion of the Global American Empire is not a just cause that saves lives. In Haiti, it would merely trade the cannibalism of the local drug kingpin for a different sort of sophisticated cannibalism on a larger scale. People would be devoured either way.
No, America has lost the right to lead interventions in (most) conflicts.
As CS Lewis said, there is no neutral ground in the universe. Every square inch is claimed by God and counterclaimed by Satan. Many nations believe they are doing God's work. Jihadists certainly think so when they fight for Allah and say we are the Great Satan. No doubt Xi Jinping believes he fights on the side of righteousness. So does Putin.
But the reality is that not all competing claims to holy war can be true. Only one can be, actually. All others must be false.
If you are an atheist, this whole experiment is pointless. Might should make right. The strong should dominate the weak. But since atheists often do what the Moral Law requires without even believing in a Moral Law (calling for compassion or mercy when such things make no sense as biological imperatives), their behavior proves that God has given them a conscience, and that societies can not be ordered according to the principles of Darwin (in case the last century of human history wasn't lesson enough).
For the Christian, including those who founded the United States, when it boils down to it, all nations and governments either acknowledge Christ as king or Satan as king. There is no other option. There is no David French "Christian case for secular pluralism." The only way such a society can exist is if it acknowledges the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and the belief in equality, inherent rights, self-governance, and justice that spring from biblical teaching.
And since the American government no longer even honors God in passing, except for our old president who stumbles through quotes on the "palmists," it has no moral authority left to claim that its cause is in service to Him.
The conclusion in this binary system is that however America intervenes, it will be in service to the devil unless it is accountable to another nation/power with actual moral authority.
I do not mean that Delta Force operators on the ground wouldn't stop the open-air cannibalism in Haiti. What I mean is we'd round up and kill the bad guys, then a bunch of people would use the situation to get rich, and Haiti would at some point be left poorer and in worse shape for a new round of bad guys in the future.
[See: Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq ... and HAITI]
This is also not to say the American people can't be involved. I am speaking about the American government.
But the only way to stop the bloodshed and provide true help for the Haitian people is to have someone with moral grounding and authority to lead the way. Someone who understands the danger of power and how to wield it correctly. Someone who is rooted in the fear of God and the Christian impetus to love his neighbor by protecting them from cannibals.
Bukele is the recently re-elected president of El Salvador.
Responding to the situation in Haiti, he had this to say:
I don't know that this would ever actually happen, but I do know one thing:
We will need a lot more moral leaders like Bukele in the years to come, because the void the United States has left in her decay is unlike anything the world has seen since the collapse of Rome.
But when Rome is gone, the Charlemagnes shall rise.
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇
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