Haiti has completely collapsed, gangs have taken over the capital, and the US has evacuated its embassy. Now El Salvador's Bukele has offered to fix things.
· Mar 10, 2024 · NottheBee.com

Haiti is in deep deep trouble.

The country is, essentially, being run by gangs. They have taken over the capitol and the US-backed government has left the city to gangs. The Prime Minister of Haiti is stranded in Puerto Rico because he's afraid to return. The United States has also evacuated their embassy and left Marines there to guard the embassy from the rebels.

To say things have gotten out of control is an understatement.

Things are changing quickly, including last night's evacuation of America's embassy, but this is a good primer.

According to some tabloid reports and rumors, some of the gangs in Haiti are so vicious and voodoo-influenced that they are committing cannibalism in the streets.

For years, it has looked like all hope has been lost in Haiti.

But maybe there is a way forward.



Are we witnessing what I think we're witnessing?

Yeah, that's the President of El Salvador, Bukele. He's controversial on The Left but has cleaned up his country through the tough enforcement of criminal law.

He has fixed El Salvador when it comes to crime and gangs. The policies are harsh, but they are effective.

And Bukele is seeking permission to leave his country and clean up Haiti.

He just needs the UN go-ahead, permission from Haiti's officially recognized government, and the money, and, according to this, he won't hesitate to clean things up.

Do I think all of those things will line up?

I doubt it. But we could be witnessing the start of something big.

We'll see what happens.

For the sake of the people in Haiti, I pray that some sort of leader ascends and cleans the country up.

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