I've heard a whole lot about freedom these past few weeks — reproductive freedom, freedom for gender-affirming care, freedom from gun violence, freedom from misinformation.
The Harris-Walz campaign is running as a pro-freedom ticket, and they claim to be saving us from the authoritarianism which is Trump.
From The Nation:
Harris has made freedom a watchword for her campaign against the authoritarian threat posed by Trump and his running-mate, right-wing Ohio Senator J.D. Vance. To that end, she has employed Beyoncé's song 'Freedom' as rally music.
So what is freedom, according to liberals?
Well, let's start with reproductive freedom — the freedom to kill the baby that lives inside you.
Is this really freedom — to kill a baby? And what about women's rights? Is it women's rights when that baby is female and we kill it? What about when the baby is a male? Surely, someday, this could be a woman too, according to leftist logic.
Of course it isn't freedom. And that's why the Left continues to use the term "reproductive rights" or "reproductive freedom" — Orwellian terms used strategically to conceal the fact that abortion is the killing of a baby.
So when Tim Walz makes this statement in Wisconsin, it receives nothing but praise from the misinformed "reproductive healthcare" crowd.
(Sir, I'll gladly mind my own business when you stop killing babies and selling their parts for profit.)
Reproductive freedom actually takes away the freedom to live from tiny humans who cannot speak up for themselves.
Let's talk about another healthcare issue, one Orwell would've called "gender-affirming care."
In a Harris-Walz America, another freedom necessary for the survival of "our democracy" is the freedom of minors to remove their breasts and chemically castrate themselves using puberty blockers.
(This is already law in Tim Walz's Minnesota.)
Let's just face it, you can't be pro-LGBTQIA+ in this country and also think kids shouldn't be able to cut off their boobs. You just can't. So when conservatives say they're against teenage girls getting double mastectomies, liberals are able to say, hey, that's anti-LGBTQIA+. And it is, because the "T" stands for transgender, and in order to affirm transgender people, we must provide them double mastectomies, penis and gonad removal, or at least hormone therapy.
Heck, California already provides this transgender healthcare to illegal immigrants.
I'm sorry, but as much as you want us to think providing children with chemical castration, hormone therapy, and breast removal is "freedom," I just can't take the bait.
Ruining the lives of young ones, and aiding them through decisions they will regret in the future is not freedom.
If anything, this should be penalized, not encouraged.
Next subject: Guns.

Oh, the gun debate: My freedom to own guns v. your freedom to be safe from guns. Freedom, freedom, freedom.
I just have one simple question: Since when has seizing property been reinvented in the liberal brain as freedom? It's not. If we don't have guns, we don't have any of the other freedoms, plain and simple. So when you say you're going to come after my guns …
... I know you're anti-freedom.
If you're for gun confiscation, you are not for freedom. That's not difficult to comprehend.
Let's move to freedom of speech (a touchy subject for liberals, I know).
Tim Walz says there's no room for free speech when it comes to misinformation or hate speech.
Keep in mind, the government (and increasingly, corporations) is responsible for deciphering what constitutes misinformation and hate speech.
As of this writing, the English government is arresting their own citizens for "racist," "hateful," or simply "misinformed" posts they make on social media.
When the government decides which speech is free speech, you have no freedom of speech. You have a censorship state.
So if you believe suppressing free speech is freedom, then you and I are simply not the same.
I believe in freedom, whereas you believe in anti-freedom.
I want to next speak briefly on DEI: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, which Kamala Harris calls "our strength."
Diversity exists naturally, and it is a good thing. However, contriving diversity and forcing it into existence where it doesn't exist, is not freedom. It takes things away from one group and gives them to another, based on skin color, gender, or sexual orientation. Freedom? I don't think so.
Equity is simple, and I'll let Kamala Harris explain.
Some people need more so we all end up in the same place.
Again, it's about taking things from one group and giving them to another. It's in direct opposition to freedom.
Now to inclusion. Inclusion sounds great until you realize that it'll eventually be used to include pedophiles on the list of sexual orientations, criminal illegal immigrants on the list of American citizens, and biological men in women's spaces.
These things are soon to be considered freedom in liberal circles, if they aren't already.
Lastly, going back to that whole "authoritarian threat posed by Trump and his running-mate" line: Let's not forget the way freedom and liberty were dismantled during the pandemic, and how eager left-wing "freedom lovers" were to help enforce this authoritarianism.
Governor Tim Walz's Minnesota was a perfect example. Walz issued one of the nation's strictest lockdown orders. Minnesota even had a hotline where Left-wing people could tattle on their conservative neighbors who weren't following government orders.
It seems the only ones allowed to violate the lockdown were the rioters and looters who destroyed Minneapolis in the wake of the George Floyd fiasco.
The next pandemic, if there is one, will take even more of our freedoms away if we're not careful.
So yeah, freedom is a real word, and it actually carries some meaning. It will carry this meaning until it doesn't; and that's why we cannot sit idly by while the Left tries to convince the masses that abortion, child mutilation, gun control, and DEI are all examples of freedom.
They're not, and they never will be.
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