Joe Biden blames rising prices on...checks notes..."Big Grocery" 🤔

Look, we all know that Joe Biden is a liar. You don't become President of the United States on the third attempt despite never achieving anything of substance while evading numerous plagiarism scandals and standing on his deceased son's grave to score political points without knowing how to bend the truth.

And there's one particular menu of lies that just...get to me more than the rest: his lies about inflation.

Now, he's been lying about inflation throughout his administration. Last summer, his propaganda team released one of the most intentionally misleading graphs of all time to announce that "inflation has fallen by more than half since last summer," pushing the obviously false claim that the skyrocketing inflation of the 2021 and 2022 was in the rear-view mirror.

Months beforehand, Biden (or, more specifically, Biden's social media intern) boasted that "for the sixth month in a row, yearly inflation is down," that "gas prices, food, and more" are falling, and this stands as proof that "my plan is working."


Of course, this is all nonsense, because any inflation rate more than 0% results in an increase in prices. Sure, a 3.4% increase between December 2023 and December 2022 is less than the 6.5% increase between December 2022 and December 2021, and a 3.0% increase between June 2023 and June 2022 is less than the whopping 9.1% increase between June 2022 and June 2021...but inflation is cumulative.

Some quick math for Joe: inflation between December 2021 and December 2023 is over 10%.

Doesn't seem like a decrease to me...

And even Joe Biden knows that Americans aren't swallowing his nonsense about decreasing prices when they are seeing the consequences of his economic policies on a daily basis, whether in the grocery store, at the gas pump, or when the power bill arrives.

So what's the plan? Blame "Big Grocery"!

"Inflation is coming down. It's now lower in America than any other major economy in the world," Biden (incorrectly) said. "The cost of eggs, milk, chicken, gas, and so many other essential items have come down."

"But for all we've done to bring prices down, there are still too many corporations in America ripping people off: price gouging, junk fees, greedflation, shrinkflation," he added.

Because when in doubt, deflect, deflect, deflect.

It's like blaming gas stations for the price of gas when their profit margin at the pump is laughably minimal and hardly changes relative to the underlying cost per gallon.

The fact is that Americans are struggling. The cash in their pockets simply doesn't go as far as it used to, and unlike the federal government, they can't just print more when they run out (which, by the way, is the real culprit here).

This means that at the checkout line, people are having to choose which items to leave behind.

Tell me, Joe, how does an emptier grocery store make Big Groceries richer?

Hint: it doesn't.

The only question remains: who will Joe Biden blame next for his own administration's failings?

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Not the Bee or any of its affiliates.

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