Dred Scott. She actually brought up Dred Scott.
Let's just start at the beginning. I watched the clip of Kamala Harris getting heckled on the set of Jimmy Kimmel and there was something that I couldn't get past. The pro-Hamas protesters screaming at Harris and making fools of themselves had a distinct angle to their grievance:
Stop the genocide. 15,000 children died because of you. Stop the genocide. You're a murderer. 15,000 children dead.
Of course, a thinking person can't help but be appalled at that protest given what Hamas did to innocent Israeli children on October 7th, and what they want to do to all Israeli children. When it comes to genocidal proclivities, few hold a candle to the Islamic radicals of Hamas.
But here's the part that I couldn't stop thinking about. One group that actually could hold a candle to the butchery of Hamas would be the very movement that Harris went on Kimmel to promote and praise: the pro-abortion left.
Once the hecklers were removed, the vice president joined Kimmel in beating the drum of "reproductive rights" very hard.
The former president, Donald Trump, hand-picked three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Roe v Wade and they did as he intended. And after that, in state after state, laws have been passed to criminalize doctors and nurses. There's a state that provides for prison for life for a doctor administering care.
No, there's not. Because decapitating a preborn child in the womb of her mother is not "administering care" in any rational sense of the term. If Harris deserves heckling for children dying because of her ideology, it's those children, not the ones Hamas has put in harm's way.
Kimmel joined in the scaremongering and Democrat get-out-the-vote messaging by warning that Republicans were coming after birth control next. But it wasn't until the end of their exchange that Harris hit rock bottom:
Well we, in our history, we know, I mean look at the Dred Scott decision. This is not the first time that we know the Court can make decisions that violate the civil rights of the people.
Good grief. This is the vice president of the United States. One heartbeat away from the presidency, and she's exhibiting the critical thinking skills of a gibbon.
In 1857's Scott v. Sanford case, the Supreme Court ruled that one group of human beings were the legal property of a preferred group of human beings. And those preferred humans were permitted to deny the fundamental human rights of the former with impunity. With good reason, it remains one of the most despised, reviled, and criticized Supreme Court rulings of all time.
Harris is among the number of those who find the decision contemptible. Yet β¦
In 1973's Roe v. Wade case, the Supreme Court ruled that one group of human beings were the legal property of a preferred group of human beings. And those preferred humans were permitted to deny the fundamental human rights of the former with impunity. Yet for some reason, it is a defended, championed, and celebrated Supreme Court ruling by half of our current population.
Harris is among that number.
Joe Biden may steal the headlines when it comes to buffoonery at the highest levels of government. But the one waiting in the wings is a close second.
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