Since abortion is such a hot-button issue, we should teach about it, in detail, in our public schools

I know the Left is all about education and "the science," so I figured I'd throw this idea out there: What if, since abortion is such a hot button issue, we taught about it, in a very detailed fashion, in our public schools?

Considering the fact that many in the electorate are voting simply based on "reproductive rights," I find it important to educate our schoolchildren — at the proper age, of course (16?) — about what an abortion actually is. This would qualify as a course in sex education, or could simply be added to the current curriculum.

Let's start with this: We'll teach them that when they have sex without any sort of contraception, a baby begins to form in the womb of the female (that's the one with the vagina, liberals).

Then we move on to a more detailed description of how that baby is formed in the womb — how during the first trimester the fertilized egg transforms into a fully-formed fetus, all the organs begin to form, and the heart forms and begins to beat around week six.

We cover the first trimester, we show them a graphic similar to the one below, and we've now educated them on how a baby is made and formed in the womb.

We could even link to the page on Pampers website, which gives you all the information you need on the eleventh week of pregnancy.

Your baby's facial features are slowly maturing, with the ears now moving toward their final position on the sides of the head, and the eyes set wide apart with eyelids fused shut.

Genitals are forming too, although it's still too early for your healthcare provider to tell if you're having a girl or a boy. But even though you don't know your baby's gender yet, why not start a list of your favorite baby names for boys and girls? Have some fun with our Baby Name Generator. You still have plenty of time to browse and find a name you love.

Tiny buds that will eventually become teeth are developing.

Your baby's head makes up half the total body length at this stage, although in the coming weeks their body will grow significantly. To support all this growth, your baby now needs more nutrients, so the placenta grows, and its red blood cells increase in number to meet this need.

This would be great scientific information for our nation's students, wouldn't it?

Next, we'll inform the children that 45% of U.S. abortions in 2020 occurred in the first six weeks, many of these by the Plan B pill.

Next, just to be fair, we'll introduce the students to an 11-week abortion, since 19% of U.S. abortions take place in the tenth week of gestation or after — including 12% between weeks 10 and 13 — according to the CDC.

We can go over the reasons to get an abortion, who to call when you want an abortion, and where the procedure takes place. Here we'll inform the students that more than 90% of abortions are elective and have nothing to do with preexisting conditions that may cause complications or death to the mother or the child.

I said we'll show them an 11-week abortion, so here's what that portion of the education would look like:

I won't go any further, but we should also be showing real-life images in order to educate the students further. It's science, afterall.

Now, we'll show them a 15-week abortion, since nearly 7% of abortions happen in the second and third trimester, and liberals want this decision to be between a woman and her doctor and not in the hands of the law. We'll have to show them what the baby looks like again, of course.

And give some information:

  • Your baby's facial features are continuing to move into position, and their little ears are sitting low on each side of the head.

  • Your little one's hair pattern is also forming, along with some early hair growth.

  • Some babies are born with a full head of hair, and others are bald for their first few months of life. All babies will develop a layer of soft, downy hair called lanugo, which may be growing this week and will soon start to cover your baby's body.

  • Thin, translucent skin covers blood vessels that are now moving up to 100 pints of blood every day, thanks to the pumping heartbeat of your baby's developing heart at 15 weeks.

  • You may not feel it yet, but your little gymnast is becoming more active this week, moving, turning, and rolling around in the amniotic sac.

The video would essentially be the same as above, though the child would be visibly more developed.

Finally, since 2.4% of abortions take place at 18 weeks or after, and liberals have been known to hold extreme views on late-term abortions…

…we'll show the students what a 20-week abortion looks like.

Of course, real-life images will be shown as well, because science is science.

And that will conclude our abortion education.

Hopefully by now, the students will have a better idea of this hot-button issue Americans care so much about. Once they're old enough to vote, they'll be fully educated on the issue of abortion and able to vote according to their knowledge on the issue.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Not the Bee or any of its affiliates.

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