"The Acolyte’s" third episode is a literal antichrist. Let me explain.

Joel Abbott

Jun 12, 2024

The True Myth of Christ. That's what C.S. Lewis called it: This repeating story of a humbly-born prophet, priest, and king who would suffer all to save the world from terrible darkness.

For the chair of Medieval and Renaissance Literature at Cambridge University, the True Myth was everywhere. Lewis argued there were fragments of it in every good story - that a good story must reflect the timeless truths of our Creator, who is the Logos, the Word (John 1:1).

There's a reason the best stories have common themes.

We are narrative creatures. The Logos is in our blood. To remove it is impossible. Everywhere we look - everything we do - we insert meaning and purpose and plot. We long for it. Unlike animals, we crave destiny, belonging, and eternity (Ecclesiastes 3:10-11).

Whether you believe it's true or not, the Bible is an overarching metanarrative about God's plan to redeem and restore Creation, with humanity at the center of the plot. Christians like Lewis would therefore argue that every book, movie, or game that stands the test of time has pieces of this True Myth - divine fragments that point us to God at every turn, even if that was not the artist's intent.

Some are more obvious than others: The prince using the Sword of Truth to slay the dragon and save the princess and her kingdom???

"The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan" - Rev. 12:9a

In countless more, there are smaller fragments that aren't always obvious, but we have this innate ability to recognize the smallest of them and turn them into jokes and memes.

Likewise, Star Wars embodies more of the True Myth than most stories of the last century.

A boy born of a virgin, immaculately conceived by the will of the Force, as the Chosen One who will save the galaxy??


Anakin Skywalker is a blend of themes - he is also a tragic figure like Macbeth. He's not literal Jesus, but like Frodo, Gandalf, and Aragorn each reflect a part of Christ in Lord of the Rings, so too does the boy who became Darth Vader.

In Disney's newest Star Wars show, The Acolyte, LucasFilm CEO Kathleen Kennedy has allowed this Christ myth to be inverted, obliterating the Star Wars universe in the process.

No, you didn't read that post wrong.

That's literally episode 3 of The Acolyte.

In sadly but unsurprisingly delivering on previous whispers, the third episode of The Acolyte has made an absolutely massive, ostensibly identity politics-motivated change to one of the franchise's most pivotal pieces of original, pre-Disney lore.

In current Star Wars canon, the power to create life via the direct manipulation of the Force is considered a near-impossible feat, even for the most storied of its users ... that honor now belongs to the newly-introduced leader of an unknown band of Force sensitive witches (who for some bizarre reason aren't Nightsisters, because sure, Disney, why not), Mother Aniseya, as portrayed by actress Jodie Turner-Smith.

Space witch lesbians don't need no man!

Aniseya used [the Force] to bring to life two embryos within her fellow witch Mother Koril (Margarita Levieva), the pair of which would soon after be birthed into the world as series protagonists Mae and Osha.

The Force itself is not, by any means, a substitution for the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

The Force is a god-consciousness (the Hindu/Buddhist idea of the universe itself being divine, with individual beings forming the "energy field" of that god-consciousness), but Lucas's Christian upbringing led him to insert Christian mythos into that eastern framework. The Force is not a power to access in order that it may serve you (this is literally the evil flaw of the Sith like Emperor Palpatine); the Force is a god-consciousness that you serve.

But Disney flips this on its head in Acolyte. Two lesbians in an episode titled "Destiny" hijack the Force to immaculately conceive children for their own designs - in essence, their will be done on earth as in heaven.

It is the literal opposite of the Christ story. It's anti-Christ's story.

Does this mean showrunner Leslye Headland and CEO Kathleen Kennedy have some altar to Satan somewhere? Probably not? 😂

But their obsession with Marxist class struggle (oppressed vs. oppressor) can be seen everywhere, from the "body positive" Jedi in episode 2...

...to the repeated "Force is Female" line.

And let's be clear: These people are Marxists, whether they know it or not.

Everything we call "woke" is just racial/sexual Marxism combined with a twisted understanding of the Christian virtues of charity, tolerance, and loving "the least of these." For over a century, wiser men than me have called it demonic.

Disney may have just given us the most evident proof of that claim in modern art. In order to turn Star Wars into a metaphor of Marxist hegemonic power and the intersectional class-struggle against oppression, they needed to invert/retcon the Gospel story that was embedded in the story already.

And to that end, well, I'll just say that Satan must be proud.

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