The Real Reason The Regime Is Terrified Of 'MAGA Extremists'

Joel Berry

Jan 24, 2024

With Donald Trump now the inevitable Republican nominee for the 2024 Presidential race, it's time for my favorite part: the gratuitous collective freak-out from our betters in the media.

One of the most entertaining things about Trump is the reaction he elicits in his enemies, with their unhinged can't-help-themselves hysterical scolding of the people now branded "MAGA Extremists." In speeches, TV appearances, and high-vocab drivel in the Op-Ed page of The New York Times, they have a dire warning for America: MAGA extremists are on the rise, and their very existence threatens the foundations of democracy itself. Heh.

Biden has made the looming specter of a bloodthirsty horde of MAGA racists the central pillar of his campaign. In a speech last year, he said: "This MAGA threat is a threat to the brick and mortar of our democratic institutions, it's also a threat to the character of our nation that gives our Constitution life, that binds us together as Americans, a common cause." Hillary famously called these people "cult-members in need of formal deprogramming."

The fear is also being ramped up by Hollywood in a new Rob Reiner documentary that paints a terrifying picture of militant white Christians who will stop at nothing to end the rule of law and strip away human rights.

The FBI is also on alert, monitoring this group of fledgling terrorists in their school board meetings and places of worship.

So who are these "MAGA Extremists?" It's important to recognize that Biden isn't talking about a tiny cell of radicals. He's talking about the tens of millions of people who support Trump.

The funny thing to me about most Trump supporters is that compared with the Left, they are one of the most politically inactive and disengaged groups in the country. They run most of the small businesses, have most of the kids, raise families, shop for groceries, follow the rules, and pay their taxes. They go to church and give to charity. They live quiet, productive lives and want to be left alone. They're kind and helpful to their neighbors. They do their best and contribute to society. They don't have time for politics, they aren't organized, and unlike Leftists, you won't see them blocking traffic in protest, burning down neighborhoods for their cause, or terrorizing Jewish students on campus.

There is, however, one thing they do. Every couple of years, they take an hour during their lunch breaks or after their shifts to go into a polling location, quietly stand in line, and vote.

That's it. They vote. And they're doing it in increasing numbers. That's the threat. They're voting for a candidate Biden and his handlers perceive as a threat to an oppressive managerial state, and they live their lives so responsibly as to prove that a managerial state isn't needed.

For that, they're labeled as terrorists, extremists, and deplorables.

The failed elites who wish to rule us are terrified, but it's not a fear of insurrection, violence, or tyranny. They're terrified of your vote. Consider that, and remember who the real "enemies of democracy are." Then, come November, cut your lunch break short and vote the bums out.

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