As a long-time fan who is resigned to the fact that Disney destroyed Star Wars, I was prepared for the CW-quality, oversaturated, intersectional-feminist cast of yet another lame show in a galaxy far, far away.
What I wasn't prepared for was the full-bore Marxism.
Maybe you think that looks dope. It's easy to be distracted by pretty lights, after all.
But let me draw your attention to one line that proves how awful it will be. 👇
This isn't about good or bad. This is about power, and who is allowed to use it.
Understand: That right there is the heart of Marxism. ðŸ˜
The proletariat must rise up against the bourgeoisie and seize the means of production so that powers rests in the hands of the many, not the hands of the few.
This is why we're told a black person can't be racist. Wokies literally changed the definition of the term to mean "discrimination plus power." In their minds, because a black person has no power in the United States (LOL), that black person can be the most vile person who hates his neighbors because of their skin color, but he still isn't racist.
In Marxism, it's not about the struggle between good and evil. Marxism does not believe in individual sin, judgement, redemption, or righteousness. Nothing you do as an individual matters.
Instead, it is all about your identity within the collective. If you are a murderer who enjoys murdering people, you aren't necessarily evil. You may have been oppressed by those in power, providing an excuse for your crimes.
[See: Pedophiles being protected under the banner of "LGBT," or illegal alien criminals being protected under the banner of "migration"]
Meanwhile, if you are a loving, hard-working staple in your community but you belong to the group deemed oppressors, you are evil no matter what you do.
This is why, in racial Marxism, whites must acknowledge their "privilege" (sin) and "do the work" (atone) to "be an ally" (join the church of the faithful). It's their only hope to remove themselves from the collective of the oppressor and be counted worthy of heaven.
You probably think I'm reading too much into this, or maybe you think I'm assuming the showrunners agree with that pull quote.
"It's just a teaser trailer, settle down!"
Well, as someone who has analyzed Disney Star Wars for years, knows the ideology at play in Disney's inner sanctum, and has a functioning brain, let me demonstrate why this show will be centered around this Marxist framework of power.
Watch Acolyte actor Charlie Burnett talk about how there is no good or evil in Star Wars, just a "battle for power" when he was asked to "describe 'The Acolyte' in 5 words."
I would say a battle for power. I mean the best parts about 'Star Wars' is there is no good or evil. It depends on what side you're standing on, truly ... you can look at any angle and see yourself relate to all the characters.
The first part of this is nonsensical. You've gone full-Anakin-on-Mustafar if you think Star Wars is anything other than an analysis of good vs. evil or that good and evil aren't clearly defined in the series.

Within a framework of individual responsibility, we all know that darkness lurks inside us. Sin is waiting at the door, tempting us to turn to the Dark Side. Even the mightiest of us can become slaves to evil like Darth Vader.
And even the most evil of us can turn back to the light and be redeemed.
THAT is the message of Star Wars. But for someone lost in the Marxist mind virus, Star Wars is just another struggle between oppressed and oppressor.
Consider the comments of Acolyte actress Jodie Turner-Smith talk about fighting the Patriarchy in her role:
It's all Marxism, right down the board.
And this is why Star Wars feels hollow now.
The series used to sweep us up into a spiritual struggle of light versus dark. There was a prophesy that good would win out and that balance would return to the galaxy. The Jedi, clouded by their traditions like Pharisees, lost their way. They allowed evil to slip in under their noses.
But even when evil had nearly conquered everything, there was a new hope - a child, a son, who would turn the tide.
Now, Star Wars is merely about dog-eat-dog: Another secular experiment in class-based warfare. It has no spirit, no greater purpose. There is power, and to the Marxist, that is all that matters.
Just like the Sith.

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Not the Bee or any of its affiliates.