This woman has a thought for the guys who want trad wives, and I've got a thought for her in return

May I present: Woman looking to gain social-media clout by talking about something vaguely based while driving around in an expensive car...

Version 3,921:

Men are like, 'We want a traditional woman. We want a woman at home - taking care of me, taking care of the kids, cooking, cleaning, doing all this.

And women are like, 'I've done the feminism.' They've done the 9 to 5. They're all broke. They're unhappy. They're like, "Why are we working so hard? This sucks!' And then they're like, 'Okay, we accept We accept your terms.'

... And then we're like, 'Okay, so that's gonna take a lot of money to have this life. So are you going to be a provider full-time? Are you going to give me and and the children the lives that we want?'

And then as soon as women turn it on men and accept, men are like 'Oh my gosh, you're just all gold diggers.'

And then it's like, so what do you want from us? There's no winning. Yeah, we do want to be at home with the kids. And yeah, if we do that, you have to provide, sweetheart!

Random Woman Commenting While Driving #3,921 makes an excellent point here for the idiot basement dwellers who try to put all their woes on women: Don't talk a big game if you can't deliver.

A sinful flaw that often expresses itself more in men is the avoidance of responsibility. It is not unique to men, but it hits harder. From a spiritual perspective, the Bible (and thus all of Western civilization for thousands of years) teaches that men were created to be the heads of their family, but because humans rebelled against God, men too often become deadbeats who shirk their duty to protect and provide. Thus, instructions like this are needed:

If anyone does not provide for his own family, especially for his own household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. - 1 Timothy 5:8

On the biological level, men's actual bodies are designed to step up to different sets of responsibilities (men and women are different, yes!).

Men don't have the vulnerabilities that come with menstruation and pregnancy. They don't have the ability to feed their newborns. They are bigger with greater muscle mass to make them better at taking a beating to provide for their family.

So if men want women to partner with them as homemakers and child-rearers, they need to hustle to provide for that family. You don't have to be a millionaire - you just need to be willing to work and put your own wants aside in order to get your family what they need. This duty and sacrifice is one of the core defining trials-by-fire that every man must endure if he wants to be called a man and not a boy.

This lady is digging at a real issue: The millions of serial manlets running around out there today who are more interested in themselves than sacrificing for a family.

But here's the counterpoint: And it's one that the ladies need to think about, and seriously, then go yell at the politicians who got us all into this mess:

The men have a point too, ladies. Men need to take responsibility; women must stop being deceived.

Did you know: As recently as the New Deal, we had policies that protected a family wage for men and protected women in the home?

(Feel free to listen to this random podcast for more info.)

This changed because the family is bad for business. The managerial elite disliked the traditional bonds that rooted people in deep meaning, tradition, and responsibility. They wanted economic widgets that can be plugged in at will wherever needed. If you aren't a father or a mother, you are an interchangeable Lego piece that can be used by the machine at whim.

Pushing for women in the workplace as the ideal (note the bold phrase that is key there), no-fault divorce, and the breakdown of tradition were purposeful developments toward that end. And many women went along with it.

Here's the ultimatum: We aren't widgets. We are humans made in the image of God.

We're also messed up.

The Bible teaches that there would be strife and inequality between the sexes because we rebelled against God (Genesis 3). The Bible's prescription for the problem is not more government policy. It's also not very complicated.

  • Get married.

  • Stay married.

  • Sacrifice for and stay faithful to each other.

  • Learn your unique duty as a husband or wife and do it.

Until men and women realize this is a both/and solution - and that it is the only solution - the world will continue fracturing into an image of hell.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Not the Bee or any of its affiliates.

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