Last week was an eye-opening experience for the country. After Biden put his demented doddering on display for millions of horrified Americans, we watched his Democrat boosters in the media panic live on-air. For a brief, yet satisfying moment, the country saw things as they really were — an unqualified cynical liar with dementia, propped up by an unqualified cynical media with Trump Derangement Syndrome.
The Democrat-controlled media has, shockingly, split in its allegiance to Biden. It's clear there's war brewing in the party.
But whether the nominee is Biden, Kamala, or even Michelle Obama, it doesn't matter. The person in the position is irrelevant. At this point, it's clear the Democrats would support anyone - alive or not, qualified or not - if they ran against Trump.
We can stop pretending this is a race between two men over who is more qualified to lead. This is no longer about Biden and Trump. This is about two competing — and incompatible — worldviews.
These worldviews differ in the most fundamental ways. They disagree on the very nature of reality, mankind, goodness, and God. One side must win, and one must be destroyed.
On the Democrat side, you have a godless, materialist, Marxist view of the universe that worships the accumulation of power for a stitched-together proletariat of racial and sexual minorities. There is no right and wrong, there is only the imbalance of power. There is no sin nature or personal responsibility, there is only societal oppression. There is no God, there is only Science. In this worldview, human beings are expendable in the service of Mother Nature, or the personal convenience of mothers who aren't ready for a baby.
There are no nations, only culturally neutral tax farms ruled by a small group of globalist oligarchs. Rule by unelected "experts," crippling taxes, and police-state oppression are the offerings we must accept in service of an anti-human utopia of "equity." They hate the image of God in man, and they will crush it in service of transcending their humanity to become gods themselves.
Of course, all of that sounds perfectly evil to the average normie, so they have taken to calling their deranged utopian project "Democracy."
After all, who could be against democracy?
On the other side, you have Trump, a marginally pro-choice, non-ideological, and very flawed man whose politics more closely resemble those of a ‘90s-era Democrat than a Christian conservative. Yet most Christian conservatives are still enthusiastically supporting him. Why? Because it's not about the man, but the worldview he represents.
The worldview of the MAGA movement behind Trump is the mirror opposite of the movement behind Biden. It believes in objective right and wrong. It's pro-God and lifts up his image bearers as more valuable than any utopian vision. It is pro-nation and lifts up the American way of life as more worth protecting than globalist "unity." It is pro-freedom and pro-family. It believes in equal justice under the law over "restorative justice," "social justice," or any of the other perverted forms of "justice" the Left peddles. It believes our rights come from God, not from the government.
Of course, that sounds lovely to most normal people, so the Democrats have come up with their own dishonest euphemism for this worldview: they call it fascism.
After all, who could support fascism?
Ironically, the Democrats are now openly advocating for real fascism in order to stop the worldview they have euphemistically called "fascism." Whether it's expanding the Supreme Court, imprisoning political opponents, or removing checks and balances from the government, the Left has made it clear that they will destroy whatever — and whoever — they have to in order to win. They hate our worldview so much, that they believe any wickedness or oppression done in service of crushing it is morally justified.
With two extremely flawed candidates standing as figureheads for two incompatible worldviews, we can start being honest about what this race is about. This is a contest between friends of America's founding, and enemies of America's founding. It's a contest between God-worshippers and Marxist power-worshippers. It's a contest between humans and anti-humans.
Regardless of who the candidate is in November, vote accordingly.
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