Young people reach an age where rebellion against authority, the zeitgeist, and the status quo is an overwhelming impulse: a phenomenon that those on the political right have ignored at their own peril.
I've witnessed it in my teaching career for the last two decades. Maybe it's as dangerous and serious as teens embracing the tenets of the sexual revolution or drug abuse. Maybe it will manifest in ways far more benign, like skipping a day of school, getting a tattoo, or piercing a body part they later regret.
This phenomenon is why young people are the perfect targets for social crusaders, and so easily manipulated and controlled by nefarious forces.
- LGBT activism.
- BLM activism.
- Climate change activism.
- Pro-abortion activism.
- Hamas activism.
These are perfect examples of how the Left has seized upon the rebellious streak of young people, dragooning them into servitude in pushing such progressive policies. But as I was watching the latest manifestation of this unfortunate spectacle unfold on college campuses, it dawned on me just how much traditionalists, conservatives, and the entire political right are missing.
When I watched this clip of what happened yesterday on the campus of George Washington University, it hit me: Conservatives should be seizing on the rebellious streak in young people to fight back against these would be anarcho-fascists.
Progressive terror-sympathizers covering a statue of George Washington in Hamas garb. That's the flag of Islamofascism replacing the stars and stripes. This left-wing movement represents a clear and present danger to the very freedoms young people so desperately crave.
And if the Right simply holds a camera on them to expose the obvious, magic will happen as it did on the campus of Ole Miss the same day:
Frat boys - the very ones you'd expect to be gravitating towards progressive causes, the last group you'd expect to align with those stuffed-shirt religious conservatives - boisterously singing the Star-Spangled Banner.
And why are they doing it?
Because they prefer freedom to anarcho-tyranny.
Because they are rebelling against the "diversity-is-our-strength" mob.
Because they are revolting against the media narrative.
Because they are rejecting the government-approved childishness and are refusing to be associated with their privileged professors acting like total losers:
The Left has done an admirable job of winning over the youth by painting the Right as the movement that opposes freedom and fun. Reality has always been the opposite.
Now's the time to make that crystal clear.
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇
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