New York Governor and Emmy award-winning clown Andrew Cuomo lost his cool on Monday. He was particularly displeased with New York sheriffs who are publically refusing to enforce his holiday restrictions on indoor gatherings. Cuomo called the public servants "dictators."
Yes, he said that about the guys who don't want to enforce his tyrannical rules. They're the dictators.
Cuomo's remarks were likely in reference to New York Fulton County Sheriff Richard C. Giardino and others who have publically stated that they will not be enforcing the Governor's holiday Covid restrictions. They say their jurisdiction does not extend to private residences and also express concerns over the constitutionality of the orders themselves.
The NY state Governor said of any officer who chooses not to enforce the new orders,
"I believe that law enforcement officer violates his or her constitutional duty. I don't consider them a law enforcement officer. Because you don't have the right to pick laws that you think you will enforce, and you don't enforce laws that you don't agree with. Right. That's not a law enforcement officer. That's a dictator."
And his message to those sheriffs?
"God bless you. But don't ask me for help."
Classy, Cuomo.