There are 1.2 million fewer Americans in the workforce compared to last year, with ALMOST ALL job growth going to foreigners
· Aug 6, 2024 ·

Yes, almost ALL new jobs. I'm not making that up.

According to a Bureau of Labor Statistics report, economic growth is benefitting foreign-born workers at the expense of native-born Americans.

The report shows 1.2 million fewer Americans in the workforce as compared to last year. At the same time, there are 1.3 million more foreign-born workers holding jobs.

Take a look at this graph showing native-born employment in red, versus foreign-born employment in blue:

From Breitbart:

The trend of jobs going to migrants over Americans has been continuing on Biden and Harris's watch. In June, Steven Camarota at the Center for Immigration Studies published research suggesting that about 75 percent of all job growth in the United States since 2019 has gone to foreign-born workers.

Simultaneously, labor participation for working-class American men keeps declining.

This trend just seems to be accelerating.

Can you imagine what the numbers will look like if Kamala is elected?

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