150 California high school students punished for wearing "Save Girls' Sports" shirts

When I came across this, I never would've guessed it was a story out of California.

Just kidding. It almost had to be from California!

And the fact that this is happening at Martin Luther King High School is just peachy! I mean, if there's any school in the world where you should be allowed to protest, it's MLK High.

But not in California!

150 students were punished for wearing shirts reading "Save Girls' Sports," because a male is running cross country on the girls' team.

Here was the original story of the two girls who sued their school for allowing the boy on the girls' cross country team.

And when students wore shirts in protest of this, they were punished and made to change.

Here's an email sent out by the principal:

Yup, you can't protest in the name of women's rights at MLK high school!

No protests allowed!

And to go hard on the kids in the "XX ≠ XY" shirt is just mind boggling.

"Several hours in the principal's office"?

For a non-offensive, basic biological fact on a t-shirt!

That's where we're at in California, huh?

But good for these girls for taking a stand!

I'll leave you with this from a few of the girls on the CC team:

Get it together, California!

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