I don't see how someone known as this generation's "science guy" can continue to go out there and make a fool of himself like this.
NDT: Imagine the future of sports does not distinguish sex, it distinguishes and sorts people by hormone ratios. I'm making this up, but imagine that if that were the case, that would be interesting. You get a hormone test, if you're in this range and you compete against other people with the same hormones.
Morgan: Neil, that is ridiculous! You're going to give every single person in sport a hormone test?
Bro's got Piers Morgan looking like a genius!
DeGrasse Tyson goes on to explain how it's pretty much the same thing as doing weight divisions in wrestling.
Morgan makes the point that weight is not the same thing as sex, and hormones being replaced or changed is not the same as becoming a different sex.
Morgan: If Floyd Mayweather fought a woman boxer who was the same weight division, he would annihilate her. That's why we don't let it happen ...
You're not allowing for the superior male biology when it comes to lung capacity, stamina, to body mass, to muscle mass, all those things. If you just take one criteria of hormones, you're not allowing all that.
NDT is so sold out for the trans agenda that he thinks we can solve the sports issue with some stupid hormone testing division, and then map that on to the rest of society for trans issues.
He thinks if he can figure out how to let men who think they're women "fairly" compete against real women then all the problems will be solved.
What an absolute embarrassment to "science"!!
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