British woman arrested for "inaccurate" social media post about migrant criminal who stabbed and killed three children last month
· Aug 9, 2024 ·

I am pleased to report that as bad as things are here in the U.S., 1776 is now fully vindicated.

Cuz check out what our cousins across the pond have done in their latest attack on liberty.

A woman has been arrested by Cheshire Police in relation to an inaccurate information on social media about the attacker in the Southport murders.

Yes, posting "inaccurate" information on social media can get you arrested in Britain. No word on what exactly was "inaccurate" about the post, or whether it was a retweet, or simply a meme of some sort. She's been arrested nonetheless.

And here's something interesting coming straight from British television:

It is also a warning that we're all accountable for our actions ...

Umm, unless you invade a country under the guise of "refugee" status, right? Or kill toddlers and children at a birthday party? Or simply allow your country to be overrun with unvetted migrants, right?

What kind of accountability do those actions come with?

But if you post something on Facebook which your rulers deem "inaccurate" you'll be hauled off to jail.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is what a totalitarianism looks like.

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