Near the end of the corny but compellingly heartfelt "Good Will Hunting," after the working-class Will Hunting takes yet another insecure shot at his upper-class girlfriend's considerable wealth, she asks him:

At this point, to everyone who is so incandescently outraged over Florida's minor new educational reform bill, we might ask them:
What is your obsession with five-year-olds and sex?!
Because that's definitely the vibe I'm getting from a bunch of grown adults who are mad that teachers in Florida can't teach kindergartners about homosexuality anymore:
In the wake of Disney CEO Bob Chapek's recent apology for not doing enough to counter Florida's "Don't Say Gay" Bill, employees who identify as members of the LGBTQIA+ community and allies have announced actions to hold the company accountable...
The recent statements by The Walt Disney Company (TWDC) leadership regarding the Florida legislature's recent "Don't Say Gay or Trans" bill [the letter readers] have utterly failed to match the magnitude of the threat to LGBTQIA+ safety represented by this legislation. Primarily, those statements have indicated that leadership still does not truly understand the impact this legislation is having not only on Cast Members in the state of Florida, but on all members of the LGBTQIA+ community in the company and beyond.
So... I just want to be clear: If teachers aren't allowed to discuss same-sex attraction or male hormonal castration with children still too young to read... this constitutes a "threat to LGBTQIA+ safety"?
What about "LGBTQIA+ safety" involves talking to five-year-olds about gay sex and "top surgery" and all that other... stuff?

Anyway, as you can see, the folks running this thing are already hard at work:
Hey, maybe tomorrow they'll be able to stand for a whopping 17 minutes!!

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇