I don't know about you, but I'm not too fond of these people who think it's cool to drag race on city streets. Don't get me wrong, I totally see the thrill, and I'm sure it's a blast, but when I'm trying to sleep with the windows open and I'm woken at midnight to Fast and the Furious 29, it's simply not a thrilling experience for me. Also, you're putting anyone else who happens to be on the road in danger.
Well, the local government in Hollister, California agrees with me on the drag racing thing, as they've run into a little bit of a drag racing problem themselves. Thrill-seeking drivers have been racing up and down Ladd Lane, and the City of Hollister decided to do something about it.
No, they didn't lay down any speed bumps or put in stop signs—they did this:

Alright, I'll tell you one thing: You're not gonna pull over any drunk drivers out on Ladd Lane anytime soon. Cuz they'll drive that road perfectly. As for the drag racers, well, I guess it'll be more of a Formula 1 type of deal for them.
The city paid a contractor for the paint job here, but it wasn't exactly the look they were going for. The contractor got the basics right—a lane removed from either side of the road, a zigzag traffic pattern—but those lines—look at those lines!—they're waaaaay too curved.
The mayor said of the lines, and I quote, "Whoa, this is the strangest thing I've seen…somebody didn't read the plans correctly."
You betcha!
Anyhow, the lines are to be repainted, and the contractors aren't charging extra.
I'm certain the lines will be a little less curved this time.
I'm also certain that peeps will continue to drag race up and down Ladd Lane.
I'll leave this here for you:
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