A California school district is shelling out $100,000 to this mother after it facilitated her daughter's "gender transition" behind her back
· Aug 30, 2023 · NottheBee.com

It would be so wonderful if every school district in the country got the message: Help push your kids into dangerous, destructive gender ideology, and it will cost you.

The Center for American Liberty is proud to announce a settlement in Konen v. Spreckels Union School District resulting in a $100,000 payment by the school district to Jessica Konen and her daughter, Alicia.

Jessica Konen filed this lawsuit to defend her parental right to raise Alicia. Jessica demanded justice from a school that socially transitioned Alicia to a new "gender identity" without so much as notifying Jessica of the process.

Today, Jessica and Alicia finally received justice.

Jessica had filed this suit last January. It took a while to get here.

One hundred grand is a good payday. Of course, the better victory here is that Jessica managed to save her daughter from a poisonous and awful ideology before it was too late; the young lady dropped her delusion and returned to her correct identity while learning from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Praise God for that.

(But $100,000 doesn't hurt either. Take yourselves on a nice vacation, ladies.)

The teachers who allegedly encouraged Alicia's transition reportedly claimed that "parents who oppose this material being taught to their sixth graders will find that their objections arrive too late."

That wasn't the case with Jessica, and it won't be the case for many more parents who are waking up to this disgusting ideology and putting a stop to it.

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