Well, this ended unfortunately:
A large cargo ship that was carrying luxury cars from Germany to the U.S.sank Tuesday in the mid-Atlantic — nearly two weeks after a fire broke out on board, according to Portuguese navy officials.
Officials confirmed that the ship, Felicity Ace, lost stability and sank about 250 miles off Portugal's Azores islands as it was being towed to land. The ship sank in a location outside Portugal's economic zone in an area that's nearly 2 miles deep.
Yes, you read that right: Two miles deep.

Two miles.
That is to say, the Felicity Ace is now about unreachable as the wreck of the RMS Titanic, give or take a few meters.
The ship was capable of carrying several thousand cars, but you get the sense that authorities don't really wanna talk too much about that angle:
European auto manufacturers declined to comment regarding exactly how many cars and what models were on board the ship, The Associated Press reported.
Sounds like a bunch of folks took a wash on this one. Okay, bad turn of phrase.
Thankfully, no lives were lost either during the fire or the sinking. Things at sea can go a lot worse than that, as we all know.