Like many multinationals, Apple this week announced that it would roll back business in Russia due to that country's recent violent invasion of Ukraine:
Apple Inc. halted sales of the iPhone and its other highly prized technology products in Russia following the country's invasion of Ukraine, saying the company stands "with all of the people who are suffering as a result of the violence."
The tech giant said Tuesday that it stopped exporting products into the country's sales channel last week, ahead of pausing sales. It's also removing the RT News and Sputnik News applications from App Stores outside of Russia and has disabled traffic and live-incident features in Ukraine as a "safety and precautionary measure" for citizens there.
"We are deeply concerned about the Russian invasion of Ukraine," Apple said in a statement. "We are supporting humanitarian efforts, providing aid for the unfolding refugee crisis, and doing all we can to support our teams in the region."
Wow! Way to go, Apple!

Oh, wait a second: You're telling me Apple has been using literal slave labor to assemble its phones for years and it has never cared about the "humanitarian" aspect of that crisis and still doesn't care?

That's right: Apple is so dependent upon forced labor in China that it's actively tried to stop efforts to roll back that slavery there:
But hey, at least some guy in Volgograd won't be able to buy an iPhone at the outlet down the street!
For a few weeks anyway.
But of course he can just order it online.