Are you tired of coming up with endless creative and obnoxious things for your child's Elf on the Shelf this Christmas?
Well, one Georgia judge has a solution for you: Outlawing the Elf on the Shelf altogether.

I have a feeling Judge Rob Leonard of Cobb County, Georgia has been burned by the Elf-on-the-Shelf's magic a few too many times, because he recently took (pretend) legal action against the elf.
Thanks to him, you now can too!
The "law" states that,
"Given the risks posed to our most vulnerable children outlined above, coupled with COVID and supply chain issues, the Court has no choice but to BANISH all Elves on the Shelves from Cobb County"
I think you can safely substitute Cobb County for your own county of residence. If your kid believes they can make the Elf lose his magic by touching him, they probably can't read anyways.
The fake law explains that the judge,
...Recalls a horrific incident in his own home where three children were sent to school in tears, with one child being labeled an 'Elf Murderer' and accused of making the elf 'lose his magic.'
Hilariously, most of the replies on Twitter are people who are very angry that a judge is concerned with such insignificant issues as the Elf on the Shelf when the world has gone mad.
But honestly, I think some of these replies are from people who've themselves gone mad and wouldn't recognize a joke if a mischievous Elf on the Shelf glued it to their forehead in their sleep.