A major U.S. children's hospital recently passed out information teaching little boys how to ... oh, man, don't make us say it
· Oct 13, 2022 · NottheBee.com

The most shocking thing about this is that it's hardly even shocking anymore. This is pretty much de rigueur. They're doing this to kids all the time now.

A guide to "safe tucking," produced by the Doernbecher Children's Hospital, was passed out at the Burbank Pride Parade.

The guide included diagrams that depicted "tucking" a practice used by those who identify as transgender that "makes the genital area look smoother and flatter" by "moving the penis, testicles, or both out of the way."

The guide includes a "note on the words we use," remarking "this information uses the words ‘penis,' ‘scrotum,' and ‘testicles.' We know you may not use those terms or identify with them." It goes on to say, "We use them … while understanding those words are not for everyone."

People. This is meant for children.

And yes, they do indeed perform irreversible surgery on children:

"We evaluate surgery for teens on an individual basis and in line with WPATH guidelines," their website reads.

How many lives is this going to ruin before it's all over? Serious question.

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