A streaker at the Marlins game got away from security, hopped the outfield fence, managed to find his way back into the concourse, and then seemed to just disappear into the night
· Aug 2, 2023 · NottheBee.com

Okay Miami Marlins security team, I think you need to step your game up cuz this is one of the best streaker videos of all time and I don't even have footage of the initial "streak."

This happened Tuesday night, and it sounds like this dude did at least a little streaking before the video starts. Then, if you look out into center/left, you'll see him hop the fence and make his escape. (I have a better video below, so don't get too invested in this first one.)

And here's the money shot:

That, ladies and gentlemen, is how it's done! Missed maybe one beat there and the rest is history. Good luck finding that guy!

Marlins security...


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