A Washington high school is attaching ankle monitors to students that beep when they get too close to each other because Covid
· Aug 24, 2021 · NottheBee.com

It'll be fun to look back at this moment in 10 years when we're all standing 20 feet apart from each other in the gulags, scratching at our government-injected microchips.

To be fair to the authoritarians who thought this was a smart idea, the school is requiring all student athletes, regardless of vax status, to wear the ankle monitors while playing indoor sports.

A 15-year-old girl was allegedly forced to wear an ankle tracking monitor for volleyball practice at Eatonville High School in Washington state as a condition of participating in team sports. This was required of both vaccinated and unvaccinated students.

Can you imagine doing this for the flu or the common cold? Considering the very small number of minors who have gotten seriously ill with Covid, you've got to wonder how many malfunctioning prefrontal cortexes and amygdalae there are in this school system.

At least this 15-year-old has a working brain and basic common sense, because she immediately texted her mom, who marched down there to give the administrators a piece of her mind.

The mother spoke to an employee in the school office, as well as a coach and was informed there was a meeting last week discussing the ankle monitoring program for unvaccinated teens. The program was allegedly designed for contact tracing in the event of a positive COVID test of a student.

The TraceTag device used by the school was made by a company called Triax. According to their website, the device was created for the purpose of "maintaining social distancing guidelines" and to provide "real-time insight into whether these guidelines are being observed" for construction and other manufacturing businesses, but makes no mention of school use on the website.

Yep, nothing to see here. Just a device that tracks you everywhere like an animal and makes sure you don't break "guidelines" AKA "having normal and healthy interactions with other human beings."

The devices provide "…a visual and audible alarm, so individuals know when to adjust their current distance to a proper social distance."

I'm sure my daughters wouldn't be traumatized by hearing loud alarms every time they came within hugging distance of their friends.

(Of course, if those friends are boys...)

The mother said that when she told the school employees that she was taking her daughter home, the teen was asked by an office staff member to remove the device before she saw her mother and said that the mother could only photograph the device in Kralik's hand as pictured above, not on the child's ankle.

You read that right. The school staff member wasn't concerned about strapping ankle monitors to children. Instead, she was concerned about the optics of said ankle monitors getting out to the public.

The mom was told that she could opt-out of the program, but she hadn't been informed of the policy and wasn't notified of the meeting the previous week where the opt-out forms were available.

You've got to ask yourself: If we're willing to accept this, what's next?

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