Adidas is advertising its new women's "Pride Swimsuit" with a male model in a one-piece 🤢
· May 18, 2023 ·

Okay, what in the Upside Down Clown World is this, Adidas?

[Warning: Crossdressing Man Bulge]

A dude in a women's swimsuit?

Like, why?

It's in the women's section of your website!

From the New York Post:

The new line by South African designer Rich Mnisi, dubbed "Let Love Be Your Legacy" and released ahead of Pride Month in June, is "a celebration of self-expression, imagination and the unwavering belief that love unites," according to Adidas' site.

In a press release on Monday, Adidas said the line "is inspired by a love letter Mnisi wrote to his younger self," serving as "a rallying cry for active allyship to empower and champion the LGBTQIA+ community."

Boy, I'd just love to see that love letter.

But again, why are we doing this?

It's so strange. And it's starting to just be annoying now. I understand the movement to erase women is in full gear and all, but who wants to see this?

Who's asking for this?

There's literally a bulge.

And just because it's a pride-themed swimsuit, why does it have to be on a man?

Do all male members of the alphabet cult wear one-piece women's swimsuits or something? Cuz I'm pretty sure one-pieces are for lesbians. Where's all the love for the lesbians?

Oh yeah, that's right…


Can't have any of those on the advertisements.

I'm so over this.

Adidas was really only cool for the shell toes anyways.

Pretty easy boycott for me.

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