There have been quite a few GIFs shared recently of the Joker saying "here-we-go" as our sociopolitical situation devolves. If you posted this infamous GIF this past week, I'm here to woefully inform you that your timing was miscalculated. Everything happening with the election, fraud, and media grandstanding was just the pre-game.
Sure, the talking heads at CNN and MSNBC are sitting somewhere in a New York highrise, crying tears of joy as they congratulate themselves for saving democracy from Orange Man Bad. You and I and 71 million other Americans, however, know that the full story is a bit more nuanced.
Like many, I was a bit frustrated last week. There was a lot of data hitting me at warp speed and I had a few misfires in vetting allegations and misplaced anger. There has been a call - and an understandable one to be sure - for conservative leaders to rally around the accusations of fraud and support both the president and our constitutional systems.
One name at the forefront of that list is U.S. Attorney General William Barr. People have been tagging him frantically on Twitter, believing his silence last week amounted to ignorance or worse.
Have hope, dear friends. I'm here to tell you that Papa Barr has now entered the game:
"I authorize you to pursue substantial allegations of voting and vote tabulation irregularities prior to the certification of elections in your jurisdictions in certain cases, as I have already done in specific instances," wrote Barr to federal prosecutors and the FBI on Monday.
To be fair, I don't know Barr's thoughts or larger intent. I also have doubts about the FBI after it's become clear they used their power to attack Trump over the Russia hoax and have been holding onto Hunter Biden's dirty-as-heck hard drive.
Trump and Barr have certainly gone head to head, but Barr is a grown man (rare in Washington) whose methodical, behind-the-scenes consistency has been a necessary foil to Trump's bombast. When Barr speaks, there is weight to it. That is why this announcement is significant.
The highest lawyer in the land has both acknowledged accusations of fraud and has authorized its explicit investigation. It means the judiciary is now in lock step to act as a check and balance as our Founders intended. Trump may have the burden of proof, but the wheels of justice are in motion.
While Barr told federal prosecutors not to chase "fanciful or far-fetched" claims, he has let loose those hounds to investigate everyone who might have manipulated the election. Pray those hounds do their duty well.
One other note: Barr isn't happy with the Left. Don‘t forget that the Democratic Party grilled Barr for hours in July and he was none too happy about it.
The Left has a long list of ways they've irked Barr over the past few years. Some additional things he's not happy about:
- The lockdowns, which he called the "greatest intrusion on civil liberties" besides slavery.
- The Trump-Russia hoax, which he's been investigating.
- The rioting, which prompted him to designate "anarchist jurisdictions."
- Dems calling for his impeachment in September, saying he is "unfit for office."
- The narratives of Leftist media, which he said was telling the American people lies.
- Mass mail-in voting, which he nuked on CNN.
Barr may not be Trump's biggest fan, but he seems to be to be a man of the law. He's a bear you don't want to poke unless you have a very, very, very long stick.
And the Left just woke him up.
The game is afoot. Moves of cloak and dagger are happening while we eat and sleep. The referee has called the coin toss.
Let the battle for America begin.