Aid groups call Biden's Gaza pier a failure as the administration looks to close the project down weeks early
· Jun 19, 2024 ·

Biden's Gaza pier is the gift (to Hamas) that keeps on giving (to Hamas).

A few months ago, the Biden administration announced their plan to build a "temporary pier" in Gaza to enable a "massive increase" in humanitarian assistance to Palestinian civilians.

After spending hundreds of millions of dollars on this pier, as well as putting U.S. service members in danger, to nobody's surprise, Hamas stole all the aid.

Then deliveries were suspended because the pier was damaged during a storm, with pieces floating away.

After U.S. Central Command tried to make it extra-super-clear that they had no part in rescuing hostages from terrorists (yes, seriously), aid organizations have said that the pier has largely failed in its mission, and will probably be closed down weeks earlier than planned.

(Personally, I can think of a few more enjoyable ways to waste hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer funds than buying Hamas lunch.)

The New York Times reported that, "In the month since it was attached to the shoreline, the pier has been in service only about 10 days," adding, "The rest of the time, it was being repaired after rough seas broke it apart, detached to avoid further damage or paused because of security concerns."

"Despite the weather-related delays and other problems, there has been one bright spot: The pier has not yet been hit in an attack," the Times reporters celebrated.

Hamas hasn't attacked the people giving them hundreds of millions of dollars of food and supplies?! Shocking.

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