Alec Baldwin yelling at protesters for their antisemitism is all I needed today
ยท Dec 19, 2023 ยท

"You work for Hollywood," says pro-Palestine protester to Alec Baldwin, "do you condemn Israel?"

Watch what Alec Baldwin does here in response: He doesn't take a side, doesn't argue, he just informs the man of how inherently antisemitic (and stupid) the question is.

You want him to answer the question? Ask a fair question.

Ask him how he feels about the Israel-Palestine conflict. Ask him his thoughts on a two-state solution. Ask him a smart question. But don't ask him, yo, you're a Hollywood guy, do you condemn Israel? That's a trap of a question with only the slightest veneer over rank semitism, and only a bozo's gonna attempt to answer a question posed by a bozo.

Huge props to Baldwin here for calling this kid out and giving him the rhetorical business.

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