Great news, slave owners: David French says "MAGA men" are officially more sinful than you!
· Dec 19, 2023 ·

Slave owners, I mean, I think we can all agree that they're pretty much the worst players in American history, right? They were really, really bad. They owned human beings and often did terrible things to them. If we've got a national Bad Guy, it's them, right?

Well, not anymore, because this is 2023, and David French thought it be a good idea in an article about the verdict against Rudy Giuliani to expand on why supporters of Donald Trump are way worse:

One of the persistent debates in American life centers on how strictly we should judge the sins of our national past. Were those people who owned slaves or broke faith with Native Americans or passed the Chinese Exclusion Act merely products of their time? MAGA Men and MAGA Women will not have that excuse. They know there is a different way.

We're all having the same reaction right about now:

Yes, he did. And even for David French, this is extremely David French.

I would like you to just sit down and consider for a moment what has to happen to a man for him to go this far. To equate a "MAGA Man" with slaveowners — to suggest that the former is somehow worse than the latter! — is uniquely deranged. You can despise MAGA, you can say it's a cancer on the body politic, you can argue any number of bad things about it.

But the suggestion that supporters of the president — whatever their flaws — have somehow risen above the unspeakable sin of slavery is, well, it's nuts. It's just crazy.

There are many MAGA Men and MAGA Women in the modern G.O.P. To meet one is, in significant respects, to meet them all. The names roll off the tongue. Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan, Kari Lake, Roger Stone, Marjorie Taylor Greene, John Eastman — the list could go on and on. And while they all have different stories before Trump, they share variations of the same story after Trump. Giuliani's story, MAGA's story, is theirs as well.

That's right. Everyone in the MAGA movement is the same. Stereotyping people is good and right now!

Just to really muddle things up, however, French at the end of this diatribe throws in this bizarre little parting shot (emphasis added):

Whoever [the MAGA Man] once was is gone. He serves a new master now.

So a MAGA Man is worse than slave owners, but he's also ... a slave himself? Is that right? Am I getting it right?

You've hit a new low, French — take a bow!

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