Check out this old article from the Daily Mail that resurfaced over the weekend that called the interwebs "just a passing fad:"
"The internet may be only a passing fad for many users, according to a report."

"Researchers found that millions were turning their backs on the world wide web, frustrated by its limitations and unwilling to pay high access charges. They say that e-mail, far from replacing other forms of communication, is adding to an overload of information. Experts from the Virtual Society project, which published the report, any predictions that the Internet would revolutionize the way society works have proved wildly inaccurate."

"Many teenagers are using the Internet less now than previously, they conclude, and the future of online shopping is limited."

"Steve Woolgar, director of the society, said: "We are often presented with a picture of burgeoning Internet use, but there is evidence already of drop-off and saturation among users."

"'Teenagers' use of the Internet has declined. They were energized by what you can do on the net but they have been through all that and then realized there is more to life in the real world and gone back to it."

"The project, sponsored by the Economic and Social Research Council, gathered together research by 25 universities across Europe and the U.S. It estimated that in Britain alone there could be more than two million people who regularly used the Internet but had now given up. Analysts say some simply became bored, while others were frustrated by the amount of advertising they had to plow through to reach information."