Andrew Cuomo Comes Unglued, Mocks and Yells at Reporter During Press Conference on School Closings
· Nov 18, 2020 ·

In a news conference on Wednesday, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo got into an insane shouting match with Wall Street Journal reporter Jimmy Vielkind. Vielkind asked Cuomo for clarification on whether or not schools would be closed in New York because of the confusing policy put forward by the Governor's office.

Watch as Cuomo blows up on the reporter.

He begins his answer with, "First of all, let's try not to be obnoxious and offensive in your tone because you're 100% wrong." And then the governor proceeds to talk for nearly two minutes in the most obnoxious and slow, condescending tone possible while speaking to the reporter, while making sure to mock him and his questions several times.

Then Cuomo explodes.

  • Cuomo: "What are you talking about? We did it already! THAT'S THE LAW!"
  • Vielkind: "I'm still confused."
  • Cuomo interrupts: "WELL THEN YOU'RE CONFUSED!"
  • Vielkind: "Parents are confused as well."
  • Cuomo interrupting again: "No! They're not confused! You're confused!"

Another reporter defends Vielkind, and, of course, Cuomo takes it in the most gracious way possible.

"Well, I don't really care what you think. Uuuuuuhhhh of course, you agree with him, because you're in the same business as him."

Rude, unhinged, insane, pick your superlative. Andrew Cuomo just went completely off the rails when asked a straightforward question about policy.

I know of a certain Orange Man who would be called "the enemy of the free press" if he behaved like this towards a member of the news media. And that man has to face insane and unfair questions every day.

As we saw not long ago with Nancy Pelosi, if a democrat is asked anything close to a fair question they attack the reporter and refuse to answer. Cuomo gets asked one semi-critical question and has a complete meltdown. I am sure we will get think pieces for weeks about the attack on a free and fair press from an elected official. They should start rolling in any minute now...

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