AOC Doesn’t Like Her More Moderate Dem Colleagues and She's Letting the World Know
· Nov 13, 2020 ·
Yes, she tweeted this. Yes, she's in love with herself.

The Honorable and Exalted Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is unabashedly pushing to move the Democratic Party further left. In her latest "Yaaaaas Kween!!!" moment the representative from New York decided she would totally own fellow Democrat, Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, because he doesn't agree with the radical "defund the police" agenda.

Manchin, one of the ever-dwindling group of non-crazy Democrats in congress, made clear his stance on defunding police in a tweet sent out Wednesday night.

"Defund the police? Defund, my butt."

Not the most subtle take on the issue, and yes in 2020 taking the controversial stance of not wanting to defund law enforcement makes you an outcast of the Democratic Party.

Her Glorious Eminence Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez struck back at Manchin, a longtime Democrat barely hanging on to his seat in a red state, simply by tweeting out a photo from this year‘s State of the Union address.

So stunning. So brave. We are not worthy!

Slay queen, slayyy.

The infighting between the wings of the Democratic Party was leaked from a conference call earlier this week. The flames are further fueled by the radical BLM movement, which has made themselves allies of the Squad, demanding certain things of Joe Biden now that he looks to become president.

Now with the squad, led by former bartender, Her Excellency, the Great and Marvelous Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, the fighting is breaking out into the wide open.

And I am SO here for it!

In fact, I have just three words.

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