50 Cent just SLAMMED Joe Biden for spending another weekend at the beach: "Hey Joe get the f*** up, we in trouble man!"
· Oct 23, 2023 · NottheBee.com

Oh, you didn't know Joe Biden has spent over 365 days - a solid year of his time as president - on vacation?

Sure seems like 50 Cent does!

We've got Americans being held hostage in Gaza, Western embassies being attacked all throughout the Middle East, and massive protests by Muslims and wokies in Western cities.

Seems like the perfect time for the president of the United States, who just got back from Israel, to take a little time off and relax.

No? You don't think the current global situation calls for such a thing?

Since you're behind the times, slash out of touch with reality, here's Biden on Friday, keeping quiet and getting rid of the press so he can get a head start on his relaxation:

And here he is walking the beach as American hostages continue to be held by Hamas:

This dude's at his vacation home during one of the most tense times in recent history. The leader of the free world's gotta have a little R&R time at his Delaware vacation home. It's almost comical.

Man I miss those mean tweets...

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