Protesters are starting fires outside the US embassy in Lebanon and other Western embassies across the Middle East
· Oct 18, 2023 ·

Well, we've got protesters outside multiple US embassies across the Middle East, including this scene out of Lebanon:

Seems as if that Gaza hospital bombing was the trigger for this, and while we'll probably never know who launched the rocket, it looks like it's lit a fire up under the Arab world.

Here's the scene in Jordan:


The Israeli Embassy in Turkey:

The British Embassy in Iran:

The French Embassy in Tunisia:

The demonstrations are in response to an explosion in a Gaza hospital on Tuesday. Palestinian authorities claimed the explosion came from an Israeli airstrike, but there is now good evidence it was a failed Hamas rocket that caused the blast. Evidence includes multiple videos, Hamas Telegram communications, and reported radio intercepts of Hamas fighters.

This is all going down as US President Joe Biden visits Israel hoping to deescalate the situation. I worry, however, that he might be too late.

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