Here's what it looks like to knock over 12,952 cereal boxes like dominos
· Oct 17, 2023 ·

The nonprofit, Move For Hunger, shattered the Guinness World Record for the most cereal boxes knocked over like dominoes last week at the Henry Ford Detroit Pistons Performance Center.

Check it out:

Move For Hunger shared the video on their Facebook page, saying,

The endeavor is not just about breaking a record; it seeks to raise awareness about the significant food insecurity, hunger, and food waste in the US.

In the process of breaking the record, which previously stood at a measly 6,391 cereal boxes, the organization collected a lot of food to be donated to charity. And while that's all well and good, what I really want to focus on here, is the potential for a lot of rainy-day fun.

There are whole Instagram accounts dedicated to creative ways of entertaining your children, but I've yet to see one suggest cereal box dominoes. So moms, keep this idea in your back pocket for those days you just need a fun, no-preparation activity.

Forget whatever new game is on your child's Christmas list. Just pull out all the cereal boxes in your cabinet and let them go to town! I'm honestly disappointed that I didn't think of this myself.

While you may not have 12,952 boxes of cereal in your pantry, you probably have more than a few that could be put to good use. And when your kids get tired of the game, they can have a snack. It's a win-win.

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