This video perfectly demonstrates why we need to get rid of full-PPR fantasy-football leagues
· Oct 17, 2023 ·

Fantasy football has become so much a part of our culture it's actually hard to believe we ever lived without it. To sum up the game, basically you draft skill players from the NFL onto your team, hope that they'll rack up better stats than the other 11 teams in your league, and hold on tight while your players either do or don't live up to your expectations.

It can be tough to watch sometimes, but you're honestly just looking for stats. One stat line which is just flat out lame has recently made its way into the game: Points per reception (PPR). Yes, not only do you receive a point for every ten yards your running backs and receivers gain, and six points for a touchdown, but you'll also receive a full point each time they catch the ball. Six catches is equal to a touchdown, and that doesn't even include the points for the yardage. It's pretty much nonsense.

A player could catch the ball for negative-two yards and still receive 0.8 points for the play (-2 yards is -0.2 points). Meanwhile, a running back, after a hard-fought eight-yard carry, would receive the same amount of points.

Here's what that looks like:

Completely unfair, am I right? A point per reception is simply unnecessary, and we used to play the game without it. Fantasy football is about yardage and touchdowns, not the amount of times you touch the ball.

This year, I was able to petition my league to drop the PPR down to 0.5 points per catch. Next year, I hope to rid the league of PPR altogether.

This needs to end.

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