As was predicted, the Biden admin just admitted that 818,000 jobs in the Strongest Economy Ever™ were FAKE
· Aug 21, 2024 ·

When you lie to keep the market artificially inflated, that's called fraud.

And that's kinda illegal.

We shared a ZeroHedge report on Monday that said this revision of the numbers was coming:

And ZeroHedge was tooting its own horn at the news.

This next one is very important:

When you lie about the strength of the economy in order to maintain power at the cost of the financial wellbeing of your countrymen, that is called treason. You're actively stabbing every single one of your fellow citizens in the back by cooking the books to hide your failure.

There is a reason that market manipulation is illegal. It's the definition of unfair and unjust.

So ... when do they go to jail?

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇

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