There are people more grieved about someone calling out a pastor than the hellish scourge of depravity and grooming that's consuming our nation.
Keller, 860 B.C. β "We demonize the other side and we demonize anyone who doesn't demonize them too. (Both the Baal and Yahweh worshippers do this) Why? They have no vision for a society in which all Israelites can co-exist and live together in peace. The knives are out today and they're sharp."
There are a lot of Christians like Keller. They think this is a Right vs. Left issue having to do with post-Enlightenment Jeffersonian democracy. They don't realize the actual demons scaling the walls of Minas Tirith.
It is not loving for them or anyone to leave them to their navel gazing.
Our man Seth really kicked a hornet's nest with this one!
Check out some replies:
Journalist Megan Basham came in for the assist on this comment:
I know you don't want to see infighting and bickering (yes, I understand Ephesians 6) β but we're not slandering Keller. We are warning him, and Seth is doing what The Bee does by using hyperbole to shine a light on lies.
We are telling Keller, as a fellow brother and soldier who has faithfully led so many to the Kingdom, to not misread the entire battlefield before us.
This is not a Republican vs. Democrat issue. Put aside the labels for a hot sec.
This is about this:
[Content Warning]
Perhaps Keller isn't talking about the dregs of woke ideology here, but that's where the culture war is at. That is what we mean by "left and right" these days.
Keller has spent a large amount of time in recent years to try and advocate for a "Third Way" through the sociopolitical war zone.
But there is no third way.
"There is no neutral ground in the universe. Every square inch, every split second is claimed by God, and counterclaimed by Satan." β CS Lewis
Not everything on the side of God is Republican. There's a TON of rot in that Grand Old Party. We aren't talking about classical liberalism vs. fiscal conservatism or parsing out tensions over traditions. We are talking about politicians that are rabidly pro-infanticide and have spiritualized the language of child sacrifice, groomers that want to sexualize and fetishize children, ideologists who want to make us into godless revolutionaries, and activists who want to chop off little kids' private parts.
And these people want to do this en masse.
If you are fighting the entirely wrong battles, like Keller now is, you'll lose the entire war. It matters not if you've sent your army to fight in one location if the enemy is already inside your own gates!
Maybe instead of trying to argue for the merits of Right and Left, church leaders should spend more time being a bit more like King Josiah and SMASH THE IDOLS.
The kings of Judah had chosen priests for these gods. These priests burned incense in the places where gods were worshiped in the cities of Judah and the towns around Jerusalem. They burned incense to Baal, the sun, the moon, the planets, and all the stars of the sky.
But Josiah took those priests away. He removed the Asherah idol from the Temple of the Lord and took it outside Jerusalem to the Kidron Valley, where he burned it and beat it into dust. Then he threw the dust on the graves of the common people. He also tore down the houses of the male prostitutes who were in the Temple of the Lord, where the women did weaving for Asherah.
King Josiah brought all the false priests from the cities of Judah. He ruined the places where gods were worshiped, where the priests had burned incense, from Geba to Beersheba.