Mike Lee, one of the few statesmen left in Washington DC, took on Merrick Garland and the DOJ today for their inequitable and unfair targeting of pro-lifers over pro-aborts when it comes to FACE Act violations.
Lee gives the example of Mark Houck, who was violently confronted and arrested by the FBI even AFTER he was acquitted of crimes at the local level.
In answer to Lee's accusation, Garland admits more pro-lifers are arrested and investigated but gives a ridiculous cop-out as to why.
He seriously tries to argue that the unequal treatment under the law is because they have a tough time seeing in the dark.
You see, pro-lifers commit their "crimes" of standing around peacefully outside of abortion clinics during the day, and there are cameras.
But the pro-death terrorists come under the cover of night and firebomb pro-life agencies, so they're harder to track down.
That's the official excuse.
In reality, the FBI and DOJ are targeting pro-lifers who they don't agree with for doing ACTUAL peaceful and non-violent protests against child-murder while letting vandals, arsonists, and violent terrorists get away scot-free.
What an absolutely insulting joke our federal law enforcement has become.